Monday, September 22, 2008

Review of EuroTalk's Talk Now for KAMALL Newsletter September 2008

Review of EuroTalk's Talk Now for KAMALL Newsletter September 2008

This is the software review that I did for the last KAMALL newsletter. I have to admit that I'm not thrilled with it, but it is a good review of the functionality of the software.

Next time I'm going to add many more screen shots. I've been given a page limit in the past, but that just doesn't make sense, does it?


Monday, September 15, 2008

Storytelling 101

Storytelling 101

I actually published this by accident the first time. I meant to push it to my presentations blog ( I decided to leave it here, though. It speaks not just to those giving presentations, but also those of us who stand in front of classes every day. Teaching is more than pushing information to students. It is participating with them in the quest for knowledge and creating good stories together.

Nice presentation on making good presentations. Emphasizes the need for a good story behind the presentation.

Most academics seem to think that they just need to push the information out to the audience and that these types of presentations are for business or just "non-scientists". This is certainly far from the truth. You want people to remember your presentation and, in fact, remember you (conferences are more about networking than exchanging ideas). I'm sure that you remember good speakers much better than poor ones...which do you want to be?

Storytelling 101
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: sherlock rockstar)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Downes on Connectivism - UStream Video

Downes on Connectivism - UStream video